
Our Commitment to Professional Growth

Uplift & Empower



Assure our members the gain skills needed to enter executive, director or manager positions in the fields of: digital health, informatics, and technology.  

Create opportunities for our members to emerge into existing pharmacy settings and innovate them with skills gained through DHI. Foster an environment that encourages innovation and technical projects.

Provide unique internship opportunities.  Real-world exposure to collaborative interprofessional work spaces. (PharmD, MD, MBA, Engineering,  etc.) 

Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion




Provide opportunities for students of underrepresented backgrounds to learn the skills necessary to succeed in a DHI space. Partner with the community and stakeholder with a similar vision.

Create spaces for students of different backgrounds to feel empowered in DHI spaces. Advocacy to key stakeholders encouraging expansion of access of digital health tools to underserved areas.

Encourage creativity amongst our members and community who are working with us to develop project to better our campus and community in utilization of digital health tools and education.

Our Current Initiatives

DHI has launched a new partnership with DataCamp Donates. Through this partnership DataCamp allows us to further our mission of providing equitable access to data science learning by allowing us to distribute scholarships to their entire catalogue of 400+ courses worth over $399 USD per license. Together we can provide access to these license on a need base assessment to Health Science Students, our partners at SCOPE, and the community.

DHI has partnered with the Southern California Outreach for Pharmacy Education (SCOPE), a group that conducts outreach to high schools in underserved areas. Their goal is to provide early exposure to the fields of pharmacy & pharmaceutical early on, and construct a pipeline into USC Mann School of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences. DHI believes in their mission and vision, and has committed to providing a workshop at their Saturday Academy programming on a topic in DHI. Furthermore all SCOPE Scholars receive free access to all DHI workshops, and events. DHI will collaborate with SCOPE partner schools to advocate for teachers to apply for DataCamp for Classrooms.